If for any reason you are not satisfied with your goods and wish to return them please email or call us on 01422 847199. You may return purchases within 14 days of delivery provided:

  • You notify us of your intention to return goods and reason for doing so.
  • Your goods are returned in their original condition, in the original packaging and include any accompanying accessories and labels or tags.
  • The goods, any accessories, labels or tags and the packaging have not been damaged unless already notified to us and their return accepted. Where products are in sealed packaging this must not have been broken/opened.
  • They have not been used, assembled or part assembled unless found to be defective and their return authorised.
  • The product has not been made to order or made to your specification. These can only be returned if damaged on delivery or defective.
  • They are the actual goods we sent.
  • It is not a gift voucher. These cannot be returned.

We are under no obligation to accept returns and provide refunds for goods that do not meet our criteria.

Christmas returns
Orders placed from the 24 November - 24 December are subject to an extended return period and can be returned up until 10 January.

Damaged or defective goods
Should goods be damaged or defective on delivery we will replace them or issue a full refund subject to:-

  • Any damage being notified within 48 hours of delivery.
  • Confirmation of any damage or defect being provided. We will ask for either photographic confirmation via email or for the item to be returned so it can be examined.
  • Our acceptance that goods were damaged on delivery or are defective.

We will not replace or refund goods where we believe any damage has occurred after delivery or if any defect appears to have been caused by misuse, improper handling or incorrect assembly.

Returning goods
Please observe the following:-

  • Our returns address is Wood & Wire, 9 Market Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6EU
  • Any goods being returned should be adequately packed to protect them in either the original delivery packaging or a suitable alternative.
  • We advise a service offering signed for delivery is used and that it includes adequate insurance. For smaller items we recommend Royal Mail or Hermes and for larger or heavier items we suggest a courier booked through Parcel2Go.
  • Goods being returned are your responsibility until signed for by us. If damaged or lost while being returned we are not liable unless we have arranged for the goods to be collected via our courier.
  • Please note we will only accept liability for damage to goods we have arranged to be collected if they have been packed in the original packaging they were delivered in or packaging that offers equal protection in transit.

We will provide a full refund, excluding any original delivery charge, via the payment method used as soon as possible after goods are returned, providing they meet our Returns and Damaged or Defective Goods terms.

*If you have notified us in writing within 14 days of receiving your goods of your intention to return them and they meet our Returns and Damaged or Defective Goods terms, we will also refund any original delivery charge.

Return postage refunds
If goods have been confirmed as defective or damaged on delivery, we will reimburse any reasonable return postage costs, up to a maximum of £10. Return postage costs over £10 must be agreed to by ourselves prior to sending.

Goods returned for any other reason, such as a change of mind, will be at the buyer’s expense.

Improper returns

Returned goods that do not meet our returns conditions and damaged or defective terms will not be refunded or exchanged:

  • We will retain the returned product until you arrange for it to be returned to you.
  • If its return is is not arranged within 28 days, we will destroy or dispose of the returned goods without any liability to you.
  • In some circumstances, such as goods being returned with damaged packaging that we have not been nofified about, we may be able to offer a partial refund which takes into account the damage / condition. If this is not acceptable you are then responsible for arranging for the goods to be returned to you.

Any fraudulent or dishonest returns such as different goods or returns with items missing from what we sent may be reported to the police.

This returns policy does not affect your statutory rights.